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Título: Contrasted redox-dependent structural control on Fe isotope fractionation during its adsorption onto and assimilation by heterotrophic soil bacteria
Autores/as: González González, Aridane 
Poitrasson, Franck
Jiménez-Villacorta, Felix
Shirokova, Liudmila S.
Pokrovsky, Oleg S.
Clasificación UNESCO: 23 Química
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts 
Resumen: Despite the importance of structural control on metal stable isotope fractionation in inorganic and abiotic systems, the link between metal structural changes and related isotopic fractionation during reactions with organic surfaces and live cells remains poorly established. We conducted reversible adsorption of Fe(ii) and Fe(iii) on the surface of exopolysaccharide (EPS)-rich and EPS-poor Pseudomonas aureofaciens, and we allowed Fe intracellular uptake by growing cells. We analyzed the Fe isotopic composition of the remaining fluid and cell biomass, and compared the isotopic fractionation during adsorption and assimilation reaction with relative changes in Fe structural status between aqueous solution and bacterial cells, based on available and newly collected X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) observations. Iron(iii) adsorption onto P. aureofaciens at 2.8 ≤ pH ≤ 6.0 produced an enrichment of the cell surface in heavier isotopes with Δ57Fecell-solution ranging from +0.7 to +2.1‰, without a link to pH in EPS-rich cultures. In contrast, the magnitude of isotopic fractionation increased with pH in EPS-poor cultures. Iron(ii) adsorption produced an even larger enrichment of the cell surface in heavier isotopes, by up to 3.2‰, tentatively linked to Fe(iii) hydroxide precipitation. Intracellular assimilation of Fe(ii) favored heavier isotopes and led to Δ57Fecell-solution of +0.8‰. In addition, Fe(iii) cellular uptake produced an enrichment of the bacterial biomass in lighter isotopes with Δ57Fecell-solution of −1‰. The XAS analyses demonstrated the dominance of Fe(iii)-phosphate complexes both at the cell surface and in the cell interior. We suggest that heavier isotope enrichment of the cell surface relative to the aqueous solution is due to strong Fe(iii)-phosphoryl surface complexes and Fe complexation to ligands responsible for metal transfer from the surface to the inner cell. In case of Fe(ii) adsorption or assimilation, its partial oxidation within the cell compartments may lead to cell enrichment in heavier isotopes. In contrast, loss of symmetry of assimilated Fe(iii) relative to the aqueous Fe3+ ion and longer bonds of intracellular ions relative to aqueous Fe(iii)-citrate or hydroxo-complexes could produce an enrichment of cells in lighter isotopes. The versatile nature of Fe(ii) and Fe(iii) fractionation without a distinct effect of pH and surface exopolysaccharide coverage suggests that, in natural soil and sedimentary environments, Fe isotope fractionation during interaction with heterotrophic bacteria will be primarily governed by Fe complexation with DOM and Fe redox status in the soil pore water.
ISSN: 2050-7887
DOI: 10.1039/d3em00332a
Fuente: Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts [ISSN 2050-7887], (Diciembre 2023)
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