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Title: The role of technological resources in the reputation of vocational education schools
Authors: Hidalgo Peñate, Araceli Del Carmen 
Padrón Robaina, Víctor Ignacio 
Nieves Rodríguez, Julia 
UNESCO Clasification: 5801 Teoría y métodos educativos
Keywords: Technological resources
Sensing capability
Vocational education
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Education and Information Technologies 
Abstract: The low reputation of vocational education in Spain requires schools to reconsider this type of education by taking advantage of its key resources and developing dynamic capabilities. Using structural equation modelling, this study analyses the impact of technological resources on two categories of dynamic capabilities: sensing capability and innovativeness, as well as the effect of these two capabilities on reputation, in a representative sample of vocational schools in tourism in Spain, with the key informants being the staff responsible for the degree (i.e., director, vice-director, head of studies, etc.). The results show that the use of technological resources provides vocational schools with the necessary capabilities to explore trends in social demands and the job market and reduce the gap between academy and industry. The findings also reveal that innovativeness has a direct influence on the schools’ reputation. However, the opportunities for improvement detected through the sensing capability do not directly influence reputation; instead, they require a subsequent action, innovativeness, that favours their effective implementation.
ISSN: 1360-2357
DOI: 10.1007/s10639-023-11919-x
Source: Education and Information Technologies [ISSN 1360-2357], junio 2023
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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