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Título: Different techniques of underwater visual censuses were used to evaluate the presence of alien marine fishes in the Canary Islands (central-eastern atlantic) introduced through oil rigs
Autores/as: Triay Portella, Raül 
González Pajuelo, José Mario 
González Pérez, José Antonio 
Martín, J. A.
Ruiz-Díaz, R.
Lorenzo Nespereira, José María 
Luque Escalona, Ángel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251005 Zoología marina
Palabras clave: Underwater census
Alien marine fishes
Oil platforms
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Conferencia: 2nd European Conference on Scientific Diving (ECSD 2016) 
Resumen: Volunteer observers (SCUBA divers, professional and recreational fishermen) reported sightings and/or catches of non-native fish species along the north, east, and south-east coasts of Gran Canaria. The number of sightings/catches and the total number of individuals are given for each non-indigenous fish species. For each fish (observed or caught), collection information (locality, coordinates, date, depth, type of substratum, among others) was recorded. Most non-native specimens collected by spearfishing or professional fishing gear were examined at the laboratory for taxonomic identification and determination of sex and maturity condition.
Colección:Actas de congresos
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