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Título: Matlab based application for GPS observations
Autores/as: Abad Real, Pilar 
Clasificación UNESCO: 331117 Equipos de verificación
332506 Comunicaciones por satélite
Palabras clave: Matlab
Fecha de publicación: 2000
Editor/a: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) 
Conferencia: International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS'2000) 
Resumen: This application is a coilection of programs used for the analysis of GPS (Global Positioning System) data. It uses the GPS broadcast carrier phase and pseudo-range observable to estimated three-dimensional relative positions of ground stations and satellite orbits. The software is designed as a tooibox for MATLAB. It consider the precise positioning using the not difference model and the simultaneous use of phase and pseudo-range data observable. All GPS phase and pseudo-range data input is via the RfNEX format, and the orbital data are in SP3 format. The software is composed of distinct modules, which perform the fiínctions of preparing the data for processing, generating reference orbits for the satellites, computing the matrix of distinct models and performing a least squares analysis.
ISBN: 84-95286-59-9
Fuente: Proceedings of MS'2000 international conference on modelling and simulation / Ed. Rosario Berriel Martínez, p. 973-979
Colección:Actas de congresos
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