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Title: Capacitance Characterization of Coupled Transmission Lines Applied to VLSI Interconnections Modelling
Authors: Aghzout, Otman
Gómez Déniz, Luis 
Canino Rodríguez, José Miguel 
Medina Mena, Francisco
UNESCO Clasification: 330790 Microelectrónica
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) 
Conference: International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS'2000) 
Abstract: The calculation of the electrical parameters of tr2uismission linea inside CMOS integrated circuits is presented. It is shown that a commonly used 2-D device simulator, MEDICI, can be employed to compute the electrical péiTEtmeters. In pEurticular, decreóising size dimensions in interconnections mótkes parasitic coupling capsicitcince more hnportant. In this work we propose a set of design rules to reduce the coupling problem in the future developments in VLSI interconnection and their impact on peak crosstalk in 0.18 /xm. In order to estímate crosstalk noise in the signal lines, SPICE simulations have been used.
ISBN: 84-95286-59-9
Source: Proceedings of MS'2000 international conference on modelling and simulation / Ed. Rosario Berriel Martínez, p. 471-478
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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