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Título: Media coverage and corporate tax burden in Spain
Otros títulos: Presión mediática y estrategia fiscal en España
Autores/as: Bona Sánchez, Carolina 
Pérez Alemán, Jerónimo 
Santana Martín, Domingo Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5301 Política fiscal y hacienda pública nacionales
Palabras clave: Corporate Tax Burden
Media Coverage
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 
Resumen: This research examines the relationship between media coverage and corporate tax burden in a sample of non-financial Spanish listed firms over the period 2003-2016. We show that media coverage reduces corporate tax burden. Our findings are consistent with a legitimation role for the media in continental Europe, such that firms subject to greater media attention show less need to resort to tax policy in order to legitimate corporate behaviour. Further analysis shows that companies subject to greater media coverage combined with a more negative tone of news show a higher tax burden. Thus, when the media threaten the legitimation of corporate behaviour, the firm will thus show a greater tendency to use tax policy as a way to restore corporate legitimation.
ISSN: 1138-4891
DOI: 10.6018/rcsar.447441
Fuente: Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review[ISSN 1138-4891],v. 26 (1), p. 138-149, (Enero 2023)
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