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dc.contributor.authorDarias Marrero, Agustínen_US
dc.description.abstractEste trabajo presenta un estudio de casos de interpretación de conferencias y de interpretación para los Servicios Públicos, en el que se analiza el corpus objeto de estudio compuesto por distintas situaciones de interpretación, mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a intérpretes, guiándoles en la cumplimentación de la herramienta metodológica empleada: una ficha de análisis de los factores constituyentes de la situación mediada por intérpretes. El objetivo último reside en identificar qué factores son susceptibles de producir estrés y qué competencias se requieren al intérprete en los distintos contextos de interpretación. En conclusión, se constata que los factores de estrés varían de un tipo de interpretación a otro, al igual que algunas de las competencias requeridas.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present study analyzes the stress-inducing factors arising in two different in- terpreter-mediated situations where dialogue interpreters are involved. Specifically, the focus is on conference interpreting (press conferences) and public service inter- preting (health interpreting). The methodology consists of three main steps. First, drawing on existing classifications of interpreter-mediated communicative situa- tions, the main features characterizing the situations studied are singled out in line with situational, interpersonal, and informational factors. These factors make up the methodological tool applied in the two subsequent steps of the analysis, including semi-structured interviews and a thematic analysis of the answers obtained. The semi-structured interviews were conducted after the completion of the interpreting assignments under consideration. The interpreters were asked to complete a form in- dicating the stress-inducing factors and add comments. Finally, the answers obtained in the thematic analysis were collated and entered into tables, including a summary of the comments provided by the interpreters. The results concerning the conference interpreting situation are then discussed against the results from the public service interpreting situation. Overall, this leads to the conclusion that there are no major differences in the level of stress experienced in the two situations. However, there are discrepancies in the kinds of stress-inducing factors at stake in each situation. For instance, the conference interpreter feels stressed when they know their performance will face media exposure (e.g. through recording or streaming). On the other hand, the public service interpreter tends to empathize with the weaker party among their interlocutors, which results in emotional stress. Moreover, the public service inter- preter is required to perform additional tasks (e.g. sight translation, written translation of medical and administrative documents, administrative management with insurance companies) and becomes aware of the subject and the languages involved in each assignment at the very last moment. It is clear that the professional profile of conference interpreters is more established than that of public service interpreters, whereas public service interpreters perform multiple tasks that exceed linguistic and cultural mediation proper.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofRocznik Przekladoznawczyen_US
dc.sourceRocznik Przekładoznawczy [ISSN 1896–4362], n. 15, p. 117-138, (2020)en_US
dc.subject570112 Traducciónen_US
dc.subject611402 Actitudesen_US
dc.subject.otherSituaciones de interpretaciónen_US
dc.subject.otherInterpretación de conferenciasen_US
dc.subject.otherRuedas de prensaen_US
dc.subject.otherInterpretación para Servicios Públicosen_US
dc.subject.otherInterpretación médicaen_US
dc.subject.otherInterpreter-mediated situationen_US
dc.subject.otherConference interpretingen_US
dc.subject.otherPress conferencesen_US
dc.subject.otherPublic service interpretingen_US
dc.subject.otherHealth interpretingen_US
dc.titleEl estrés en situaciones de interpretación: un estudio comparativo entre interpretación de conferencias e interpretación para los Servicios Públicosen_US
dc.title.alternativeStress in interpreter-mediated situations: a comparative study between conference interpreting and public service interpretingen_US
dc.investigacionArtes y Humanidadesen_US
item.fulltextCon texto completo-
item.grantfulltextopen- Actividad translatoria, Interculturalidad y Literatura de viajes- de Filología Moderna, Traducción e Interpretación- de Filología Moderna, Traducción e Interpretación- Marrero, Agustín Santiago-
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