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Título: Uniform vs. Lognormal Kinematics in Robots: Perceptual Preferences for Robotic Movements
Autores/as: Quintana Hernández, José Juan 
Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel 
Díaz Cabrera, Moisés 
Feo García, José Juan 
Wolniakowski, Adam
Miatliuk, Konstantsin
Clasificación UNESCO: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Palabras clave: Lognormal speed profile
Trapezoidal speed profile
Robot kinematic
Human-robot interaction
Kinematic theory of rapid movement
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Proyectos: Modelado cinemático 3D para la caracterización del movimiento humano, animal y robótico 
Publicación seriada: Applied Sciences (Basel) 
Resumen: Collaborative robots or cobots interact with humans in a common work environment. In cobots, one under-investigated but important issue is related to their movement and how it is perceived by humans. This paper tries to analyze whether humans prefer a robot moving in a human or in a robotic fashion. To this end, the present work lays out what differentiates the movement performed by an industrial robotic arm from that performed by a human one. The main difference lies in the fact that the robotic movement has a trapezoidal speed profile, while for the human arm, the speed profile is bell-shaped and during complex movements, it can be considered as a sum of superimposed bell-shaped movements. Based on the lognormality principle, a procedure was developed for a robotic arm to perform human-like movements. Both speed profiles were implemented in two industrial robots, namely, an ABB IRB 120 and a Universal Robot UR3. Three tests were used to study the subjects’ preference when seeing both movements and another analyzed the same when interacting with the robot by touching its ends with their fingers.
ISSN: 2076-3417
DOI: 10.3390/app122312045
Fuente: Applied Sciences (Basel) [ISSN 2076-3417], v. 12 (23), 12045 (Noviembre 2022)
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