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Title: Aproximación a la definición de turismo saludable
Authors: Gomariz Rodrigo, Ana María 
Amador García, Óscar Luis
UNESCO Clasification: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Keywords: Turismo saludable
Destinos saludables
Turismo sostenible.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Lanzarote
Conference: III Conferencia Internacional Salud y Bienestar en Destinos Sostenibles: indicadores de Turismo Responsable 
Abstract: In academic literature in Spanish, a wide conceptual discrepancy has been found regarding the definition of healthy tourism. The fact that tourism is not yet an independent academic discipline means that many studies from at least fifty disciplines investigate tourism, so when defining basic concepts such as healthy tourism, we have found that the visions are very diverse, as many as disciplines appoint it, lacking a universally consensuated definition. In the review of the English literature so far it is being verified that the results are in the same line, that is to say, numerous points of view from diverse disciplines that do not make use of a common term. The paper aims a conceptual distinction with nomenclatures or related disciplines to try to establish an approach to a universal definition of healthy tourism.
ISBN: 978-84-120331-8-2
Source: Proceedings book: III International Conference Health and Wellbeingin Sustainable Destinations: Indicators for Responsible Tourism, Lanzarote - 2019, Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Lanzarote, ISBN 978-84-120331-8-2, p. 43
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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