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Título: Evaluation of the NANDA International, Inc. diagnostic classification in Spain: Development and validation of the EVALUAN-I tool
Autores/as: Rodríguez Suárez, Claudio Alberto 
Hernández De Luis, María Naira
Mariscal Crespo, María Isabel
Camacho Bejarano, Rafaela
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3201 Ciencias clínicas
Palabras clave: Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing Methodology Research
Standardized Nursing Terminology
Surveys And Questionnaires, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Proyectos: Canary Islands Foundation for Health Research, FIISC, ENF-19/33
Publicación seriada: International journal of nursing knowledge 
Resumen: Purpose: To develop and validate a tool to evaluate the NANDA International, Inc. diagnostic classification. Methods: The tool, EVALUAN-I, was validated in a non-probabilistic sample (N = 460) on Spanish Registered Nurses (September–December 2019) in two phases. First, design and construct the instrument in three steps: (1) literature review to define the construct focusing on the orientation toward nursing concepts and theoretical foundations, the level of scientific evidence, the structural configuration, the applicability, the nurses’ clinical reasoning skills, and the attitudes toward nursing diagnosis, (2) substantiation of the questionnaire items and design according to the criteria for a diagnostic classification, (3) expert test to establish the face validity and content validity. The second phase revolved around (4) conducting a pilot test and measuring the temporal stability (test-retest) and Cohen's kappa coefficient; assessing psychometric properties by measuring (5) reliability (internal consistency using Cronbach alpha and interfactor correlation) and (6) construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis). The manuscript follows the STROBE checklist. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee with registration number 2019-190-1. Findings: EVALUAN-I displayed moderate test-retest stability, adequate construct validity, and excellent reliability. The confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence about the configuration of EVALUAN-I in relation to nine analytical dimensions: clinical competence, nurses’ reasoning skills, attitudes towards nursing diagnosis, discipline's central concepts, classification's contents, physiopathological attributes, level of scientific evidence, diagnostic precision, and conceptual correspondence between terminologies. Conclusions: EVALUAN-I is a valid and reliable instrument, which can be used to improve the epistemological, normative, and intuitive configuration of NANDA International, Inc. in a structured, systematic manner. Implications for Nursing Practice: Comprehensive evaluation of NANDA International, Inc. in different clinical settings around the world using a validated instrument, like EVALUAN-I, would allow strengths and weaknesses to be identified and contribute to the classification's development and practical application.
ISSN: 2047-3087
DOI: 10.1111/2047-3095.12366
Fuente: International Journal of Nursing Knowledge[ISSN 2047-3087], v. 34 (1), p. 21-34, (Enero 2023)
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