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Título: Criticality in complex sociotechnical systems. An empirical approach
Autores/as: Viejo, Pablo
Kremers, Enrique
de Durana, José González
Barambones, Óscar
Hernández-Tejera, Francisco Mario 
Hernández Cabrera, José Juan 
Évora Gómez, José 
Clasificación UNESCO: 1203 Ciencia de los ordenadores
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Conferencia: The 2013 European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2013) 
Resumen: Critical regimes are present in all socio-technical systems. Usually, man-made systems are designed to avoid these regimes completely, and stay in a stable steady state to avoid uncertainty. However, complexity theory postulates that the edge of chaos, between order and disorder, provides highly interesting phenomena, such as emergence, which are important for the evolution of the system. In this paper we explore the edge of chaos through a concrete example in electrical energy systems. The exploration is done through simulation, which provides a valuable mean to perform massive experiments on large scale systems. The complexity residing at the edge is discussed, and external, system relevant and internal factors which are likely to shift this edge or drive the systems trajectory towards or away from it are introduced.
Fuente: European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2013), Barcelona, España
Colección:Actas de congresos
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