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Título: Effect of L-Hyp supplementation on collagen muscle histology, gene expression, growth performance, body composition and fillet texture on big size European sea bass (Dicentrarchux labrax)
Autores/as: Castro Alonso, Pedro Luis 
Plasencia, Sergio
Zamorano Serrano, María Jesús 
Guerrero, Luis
Claret, Anna
Beltrán, José A.
Calanche, Juan
Ginés Ruiz, Rafael 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310502 Piscicultura
310902 Genética
240110 Histología animal
Palabras clave: Collagen
European Sea Bass
Gene Expression
Hydroxyproline, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: Desarrollo de Nuevos Productos Procedentes de Pescado de Acuicultura 
Publicación seriada: Aquaculture Reports 
Resumen: Hydroxyproline (L-Hyp) is amply present in fishmeal but limited in plant-protein sources. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementation with dietary L-Hyp on the distribution of collagen types in the muscle, and on the texture, survival rate, growth rate, feed utilization, body composition as well as the expression of the gene that encodes the pro-alpha2 chains of type I collagen (Col Iα2) of large European sea bass (initial body weight 609.21 ± 75.39 g) from high plant-protein diets. Four isoproteic (42 % crude protein) and isolipidic (20 % crude lipid) experimental diets were formulated adding 0.6 (HL diet), 1.2 (HM diet), and 2% (HH diet) L-Hyp, respectively. Three periods of feeding of 45, 99 and 143 days were studied. L-Hyp supplementation at 1.2 % and 2 % significantly improved specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). In the white muscle, type I, IV collagen and trichromic stain were significantly higher in HH feed than the control diet. In the red muscle, only type I collagen was higher. HH diet, also increases Col Iα2 mRNA levels in muscle significantly. It can be concluded that the addition of crystalline L-Hyp at 1.2 % or 2 % in high plant-protein diets indicates positive effects on growth performance of adult European sea bass and increase in muscle total collagen deposition.
ISSN: 2352-5134
DOI: 10.1016/j.aqrep.2021.100787
Fuente: Aquaculture Reports [EISSN 2352-5134], v. 21, 100787, (Noviembre 2021)
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