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Título: Nutritional needs for correct pigmentation in European Red Porgy (Pagrus pagrus)
Autores/as: Izquierdo, M. 
Kalinovski, T.
Thongrod, S.
Robaina, L. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310502 Piscicultura
Palabras clave: Absorption
Aquatic animals
Aquatic organisms
Carotenoids, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Editor/a: Nottingham University Press
Resumen: This article discusses the function, tissue distribution, absorption and deposition of carotenoids in fish. The results of a study on the effect of carotenoid (astaxanthin) supplementation on the skin colouration of red porgy, effect of feeding period on colouration and storage time on pigmentation are also presented. The study showed that supplementing Pagrus pagrus diets with 40 mg/kg esterified astaxanthin from shrimp shell meal for a period of 120 days was enough to acquire skin colouration similar to wild red porgy.
ISBN: 9781904761129
Fuente: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries: Proceedings of Alltech's Twenty First Annual Symposium, p. 307-313
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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