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Title: Conceptual framework for programming skills development based on microlearning and automated source code evaluation in virtual learning environment
Authors: Skalka, Jan
Drlik, Martin
Benko, Lubomir
Kapusta, Jozef
Rodríguez Del Pino, Juan Carlos 
Smyrnova-Trybulska, Eugenia
Stolinska, Anna
Svec, Peter
Turcinek, Pavel
UNESCO Clasification: 120310 Enseñanza con ayuda de ordenador
120324 Teoría de la programación
Keywords: Automated assessment
Conceptual framework
Introductory programming courses
Source code automatic evaluation
Issue Date: 2021
Journal: Sustainability (Switzerland) 
Abstract: Understanding how software works and writing a program are currently frequent requirements when hiring employees. The complexity of learning programming often results in educational failures, student frustration and lack of motivation, because different students prefer different learning paths. Although e-learning courses have led to many improvements in the methodology and the supporting technology for more effective programming learning, misunderstanding of programming principles is one of the main reasons for students leaving school early. Universities face a challenging task: how to harmonise students’ education, focusing on advanced knowledge in the development of software applications, with students’ education in cases where writing code is a new skill. The article proposes a conceptual framework focused on the comprehensive training of future programmers using microlearning and automatic evaluation of source codes to achieve immediate feedback for students. This framework is designed to involve students in the software development of virtual learning environment software that will provide their education, thus ensuring the sustainability of the environment in line with modern development trends. The paper’s final part is devoted to veri-fying the contribution of the presented elements through quantitative research on the introductory parts of the framework. It turned out that although the application of interactive features did not lead to significant measurable progress during the first semester of study, it significantly improved the results of students in subsequent courses focused on advanced programming.
ISSN: 2071-1050
DOI: 10.3390/su13063293
Source: Sustainability (Switzerland) [EISSN 2071-1050], v. 13 (6), (Marzo 2021)
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