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Título: Triangular phase-shift detector for drone precise vertical landing RF systems
Autores/as: Araña Pulido, Víctor Alexis 
Jiménez Yguacel, Eugenio 
Cabrera-Almeida, Francisco 
Quintana-Morales, Pedro J. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Detectors
Image Processing
Multi-Rotor, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 
Resumen: IEEEThis paper presents a circuit for precise vertical landing of drones based on a three phase-shifts detection of a single frequency transmitted from the landing point. The circuit can be considered as a new navigation sensor that assists in guidance corrections for landing at a specific point. The circuit has three inputs to which the signal transmitted from an oscillator located at the landing point arrives with different delays. The input signals are combined in pairs in each of the three analog phase detectors, after having passed through 3 dB@90° hybrid couplers that guarantee a theoretical non-ambiguous phase-shift range of ±90°. Each output has a voltage that is proportional to the phase-shift between each of the input signals, which in turn depend on the position relative to the landing point. A simple landing algorithm based on phase-shift values is proposed, which could be integrated into the same flight control platform, thus avoiding the need to add additional processing components. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed design, a triangular phase-shift detector prototype has been implemented using commercial devices. Calibration and measurements at 2.46 GHz show a dynamic range of 30 dB and a non-ambiguous detection range of ±80° in the worst cases. Those specs let us to track the drone during the landing maneuver in an inverted cone formed by a surface with a ±4.19 m radius at 10m high and the landing point.
ISSN: 0018-9456
DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3063772
Fuente: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement[ISSN 0018-9456], n. 70, (Marzo 2021)
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