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Título: Assessing the psychometric properties of the internet abusive use questionnaire in Italian University Students
Autores/as: Servidio, Rocco
Calvo Francés, Fernando 
Bertucci, Andrea
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
Palabras clave: Confirmatory Analysis
Internet Abuse
Internet Addiction
Psychometric Validation
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Swiss Journal of Psychology 
Resumen: The risks emanating from the abusive use of the Internet are on the rise, especially among young adults causing psychological problems in their social and personal lifestyles. To date, there are only two validated measures in the Italian language to measure the risk of Internet addiction. This study served to validate an Italian version of the Internet Abusive Use Questionnaire (IAUQ-I) via a translation-backtranslation process. A sample of 289 Italian university students participated in the study (73.70% females). The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis established the unidimensional factorial structure of the scale. Validity and reliability analyses indicated adequate results concerning the psychometric properties of the Italian IAUQ-I. We also found an association between IAUQ-I and self-esteem, and personality traits. This study shows that the IAUQ-I represents a valid instrument for measuring the abusive use of the Internet and could be used not only for further epidemiological studies, but also to inform practitioners working with persons addicted to technology.
ISSN: 1421-0185
DOI: 10.1024/1421-0185/a000226
Fuente: Swiss Journal of Psychology [ISSN 1421-0185], v. 78 (3-4), p. 91-100
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