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Título: | Variations in the dynamic response of structures founded on piles induced by obliquely incident SV waves | Autores/as: | Medina, Cristina Álamo, Guillermo M. Aznarez, Juan J. Padron, Luis A. Maeso, Orlando |
Clasificación UNESCO: | 3304 Tecnología de los ordenadores | Palabras clave: | Soil-Structure Interaction Seismic wave propagation Deep Foundations Angle of incidence Pile foundations, et al. |
Fecha de publicación: | 2019 | Proyectos: | Avances en El Desarrollo de Modelos Numéricos Para la Caracterización Dinámica de Cimentaciones Para Aerogeneradores Influencia de Los Fenómenos de Interacción Suelo-Estructura en la Respuesta Sísmica de Aerogeneradores Marinos |
Publicación seriada: | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics | Resumen: | Although the seismic actions generally consist of a combination of waves, which propagates with an angle of incidence not necessarily vertical, the common practice when analyzing the dynamic behavior of pile groups is based on the assumption of vertically incident wave fields. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the angle of incidence of SV waves affects the dynamic response of pile foundations and piled structures. A three-dimensional boundary element-finite element coupling formulation is used to compute impedances and kinematic interaction factors corresponding to several configurations of vertical pile groups embedded in an isotropic homogeneous linear viscoelastic half-space. These results, which are provided in ready-to-use dimensionless graphs, are used to determine the effective dynamic properties of an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom oscillator that reproduces, within the range where the peak response occurs, the response of slender and nonslender superstructures through a procedure based on a substructuring model. Results are expressed in terms of effective flexible-base period and damping as well as maximum shear force at the base of the structure. The relevance and main trends observed in the influence of the wavefront angle of incidence on the dynamic behavior of the superstructure are inferred from the presented results. It is found that effective damping is significantly affected by the variations of the wave angle of incidence. Furthermore, it comes out that the vertical incidence is not always the worst-case scenario. | URI: | | ISSN: | 0098-8847 | DOI: | 10.1002/eqe.3160 | Fuente: | Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics [ISSN 0098-8847], v. 48 (7), p. 772-791, (Junio 2019) |
Colección: | Artículos |
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