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Título: 3 '-Hydroxy-3,4 '-dimethoxyflavone blocks tubulin polymerization and is a potent apoptotic inducer in human SK-MEL-1 melanoma cells
Autores/as: Estévez Sarmiento, Francisco 
Said, Mercedes 
Brouard Martín,Ignacio 
León, Francisco
García, Celina
Quintana, Jose 
Estevez, Francisco 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320106 Dermatología
Palabras clave: Apoptosis
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 
Resumen: Flavonoids are naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds and are among the most promising anticancer agents. A series of flavonols and their 3-methyl ether derivatives were synthesized and assessed for cytotoxicity. It was found that 3′-hydroxy-3,4′-dimethoxyflavone (flavonoid 7a) displayed strong cytotoxicity against human SK-MEL-1 melanoma cells and blocked tubulin polymerization, but had no significant cytotoxic effects against quiescent or proliferating human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Our analyses showed that flavonoid 7a induces G2-M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in melanoma cells which is associated with cytochrome c release and activation of both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways of cell death.
ISSN: 0968-0896
DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2017.09.043
Fuente: Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry [ISSN 0968-0896], v. 25 (21), p. 6060-6070, (2017)
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