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Título: Dysfunction of an On-X Heart Valve by Pannus
Autores/as: Abad, Cipriano 
Urso, Stefano
Gomez, Elsa
De la Vega, Maria
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
321307 Cirugía del corazón
Palabras clave: Bioprosthesis
Mitral valve
Postoperative complications
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Journal of Heart Valve Disease 
Resumen: A 68-year-old woman with a history of previous double-valve replacement with On-X mechanical heart valves presented with clinical, echocardiographic and cardiac catheterization signs of obstruction of the On-X tricuspid heart valve prosthesis. The patient was successfully reoperated, but at surgery the valve was seen to be invaded by an abnormal overgrowth of pannus that blocked one of the leaflets. A small amount of non-obstructive fresh thrombus was also observed. The valve was successfully replaced with a biological heart valve prosthesis. The patient was discharged home, and is doing well four months after the operation, when echocardiography demonstrated normal function in the tricuspid valve. The present case represents the first ever report of pannus formation and subsequent dysfunction in an On-X heart valve, and also the first case of tricuspid valve malfunction and obstruction using this type of heart valve substitute.
ISSN: 0966-8519
Fuente: The Journal of heart valve disease[ISSN 0966-8519],v. 25(5), p. 634-637 (Septiembre 2016)
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