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Título: Surgical repair of Achilles tendon rupture in dogs: A review of the literature, a case report and new perspectives
Autores/as: Spinella, Giuseppe
Tamburro, R.
Loprete, G.
Vilar, J. M. 
Valentini, S.
Palabras clave: Fascia Lata
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 0375-8427
Publicación seriada: Veterinární Medicína 
Resumen: Achilles tendon rupture in the dog is a common traumatic lesion. An accurate evaluation of etiology, grade of the lesion with or without loss of tendon substance, and time elapsed from the trauma can guide the surgeon in choosing the best surgical technique. Moreover, the healing process after a tendon injury is usually difficult and uncertain because the prognosis is influenced by extent of trauma, time elapsed between the trauma and its treatment and low tendon vascularization. However, the rapid development of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine could soon result in the development of scaffolds with bioactive proteins that can direct the healing process toward complete tendon regeneration without fibrotic tissue development.
ISSN: 0375-8427
DOI: 10.17221/2926-VETMED
Fuente: Veterinarni Medicina[ISSN 0375-8427],v. 55, p. 303-310
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