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Título: On the statistical variability of some spectral bandwidth and nonlinearity parameters of wind generated gravity waves
Autores/as: Rodriguez, G. R. 
Grisolia, D. 
Diaz, M 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2204 Física de fluidos
330515 Ingeniería hidráulica
Palabras clave: Stochastic hydraulics
Fecha de publicación: 1992
Publicación seriada: Stochastic Hydraulics '92
Conferencia: 6th IAHR International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics 
Resumen: Some results on the statistical behaviour of several spectral parameters, characterizing the bandwidth and non-linearity of field wave records are presented. The relation between the stability of the parameters, the high cut-off frequency choice and the frequency degree of resolution, applying Maximum Entropy Method for spectral analysis, is discussed. The results show that it is very difficult to obtain a parameter being a good bandwidth estimator and not being affected by processes such as smoothness and, or, variation of high cut-off frequency. The parameters of non-linearity are very stable, in general, but their representativeness of non-linear aspects of waves is much more difficult to investigate.
Fuente: Stochastic Hydraulics '92, p. 353-360, (1992)
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