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Título: Designing a cockpit functionalities architecture for Trajectory Based Operations: A methodological agent-oriented analysis and modelling
Autores/as: Canino, José Miguel 
Gómez, Luis 
García, Jesús
Besada, Juan
Casar, José Ramón
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Publicación seriada: 8th Innovative Research Workshop and Exhibition, Proceedings
Conferencia: 8th Innovative Research Workshop and Exhibition 
Resumen: Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) will require new procedures and systems to achieve a suitable automation of airtraffic operations. Procedures and systems for automated operations are closely related and therefore frequently they need to be modeled in a combined way. Our group is currently employing recent agent-oriented methodological approaches to obtain conceptual models about TBO scenarios. Conceptual models define roles of air traffic entities as well as their interactions together with a detailed description of the entities' architecture and dynamic behaviour. In this paper we present a cockpit functionality architecture built upon a methodological analysis and design of a TBO scenario as a multi-agent system. The proposed design has the advantage of mapping to an executable model for analytical simulation of TBO concepts and its modular architecture allows for a progressive integration of additional underlying models with specific functionalities.
Fuente: 8th Innovative Research Workshop and Exhibition, Proceedings, p. 99-106
Colección:Actas de congresos
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