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Título: Human computer interactions in next-generation of aircraft smart navigation management systems: Task analysis and architecture under an agent-oriented methodological approach
Autores/as: Canino-Rodríguez, José M. 
García-Herrero, Jesús
Besada-Portas, Juan
Ravelo-García, Antonio G. 
Travieso-González, Carlos 
Alonso-Hernández, Jesús B. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Trajectory-Based Operations
Automation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 1424-8220
Publicación seriada: Sensors 
Resumen: The limited efficiency of current air traffic systems will require a next-generation of Smart Air Traffic System (SATS) that relies on current technological advances. This challenge means a transition toward a new navigation and air-traffic procedures paradigm, where pilots and air traffic controllers perform and coordinate their activities according to new roles and technological supports. The design of new Human-Computer Interactions (HCI) for performing these activities is a key element of SATS. However efforts for developing such tools need to be inspired on a parallel characterization of hypothetical air traffic scenarios compatible with current ones. This paper is focused on airborne HCI into SATS where cockpit inputs came from aircraft navigation systems, surrounding traffic situation, controllers' indications, etc. So the HCI is intended to enhance situation awareness and decision-making through pilot cockpit. This work approach considers SATS as a system distributed on a large-scale with uncertainty in a dynamic environment. Therefore, a multi-agent systems based approach is well suited for modeling such an environment. We demonstrate that current methodologies for designing multi-agent systems are a useful tool to characterize HCI. We specifically illustrate how the selected methodological approach provides enough guidelines to obtain a cockpit HCI design that complies with future SATS specifications
ISSN: 1424-8220
DOI: 10.3390/s150305228
Fuente: Sensors (Switzerland)[ISSN 1424-8220],v. 15, p. 5528-5550
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