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Título: Comparison of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for operations scheduling under machine availability constraints
Autores/as: Frutos, M.
Méndez, M. 
Tohmé, F.
Broz, D.
Clasificación UNESCO: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
1207 Investigación operativa
Palabras clave: Genetic Algorithm
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Publicación seriada: The Scientific World Journal 
Resumen: Many of the problems that arise in production systems can be handled with multiobjective techniques. One of those problems is that of scheduling operations subject to constraints on the availability of machines and buffer capacity. In this paper we analyze different Evolutionary multiobjective Algorithms (MOEAs) for this kind of problems. We consider an experimental framework in which we schedule production operations for four real world Job-Shop contexts using three algorithms, NSGAII, SPEA2, and IBEA. Using two performance indexes, Hypervolume and R2, we found that SPEA2 and IBEA are the most efficient for the tasks at hand. On the other hand IBEA seems to be a better choice of tool since it yields more solutions in the approximate Pareto frontier.
ISSN: 2356-6140
DOI: 10.1155/2013/418396
Fuente: The Scientific World Journal [ISSN 2356-6140], v. 2013, (418396)
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