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Título: Gene polymorphisms in TYMS, MTHFR, p53 and MDR1 as risk factors for breast cancer: A case-control study
Autores/as: Henríquez-Hernández, L. A. 
Rosales, A. Murias
González, A. Hernández
De León, A. Cabrera
Díaz-Chico, B. N. 
De Santiago, M. Mori
Pérez, L. Fernández 
Palabras clave: Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Gene
Tp53 Codon-72 Polymorphism
Thymidylate Synthase Gene
One-Carbon Metabolism
Cervical-Cancer, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: 1021-335X
Publicación seriada: Oncology Reports 
Resumen: Breast cancer (BC) is a complex disease influenced by environmental and genetic factors. The disease has important genetic and environmental components, most of them are still unknown. An important role of gene polymorphisms related to the risk of developing BC has been reported. However, the results have been controversial. We investigated the association of TSER, MTHFR C677T, p53 codon 72 and MDR1 C3435T gene polymorphisms with breast carcinoma in women from Canary Islands (Spain). Blood samples collected from 135 patients with BC and 304 healthy controls all of them Caucasian, were analyzed through polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Subsequently, a structured questionnaire including patient history and risk factors in relation to BC development was filled out. Allelic frequencies of these genetic variations were: TSER, (2) 0.55 and (3) 0.45 in cases, 0.49 and 0.51 respectively in controls (P=0.240); MTHFR C677T, (C) 0.63 and (T) 0.37 in cases, 0.60 and 0.40 respectively in controls (P=0.568); p53 Arg72Pro, (Arg) 0.74 and (Pro) 0.26 in cases and controls (P=0.910); MDR1 C3435T, (C) 0.52 and (T) 0.48 in cases, 0.55 and 0.45 respectively in controls (P=0.523). We did not observe any gene polymorphism as a risk factor to develop BC. A statistical association was observed between p53 codon 72 polymorphism and family history of breast cancer in both groups, as well as between MDR1 C3435T and smoking habits in cases (P<0.05). Gene polymorphisms vary by regions. The present study contributes to the characterization of the genetic pattern of the Canary population.
ISSN: 1021-335X
DOI: 10.3892/or_00000584
Fuente: Oncology Reports[ISSN 1021-335X],v. 22, p. 1425-1433
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