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Título: Analysis of high efficiency membrane pilot testing for membrane design optimisation
Autores/as: León-Zerpa, Federico 
Ramos Martín, Alejandro 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
Palabras clave: Membrane design optimization
Seawater reverse osmosis desalination
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Proyectos: INTERREG V-A Cooperation, Spain–Portugal MAC (Madeira-Azores-Canaries) 2014–2020 programme, MITIMAC project (MAC2/1.1a/263).
Publicación seriada: Desalination and Water Treatment 
Resumen: The construction of the new seawater intake at reverse osmosis desalination plant located in Almeria (Spain) finished on May 2011. From this moment, the water catchment was located at 35 m depth instead of the 14 m depth of the former intake. The most significant outcome has been a new thermal scenario with lower maximum temperatures and more stable in time. Because of the lower maximum temperatures while the minimum temperatures remain the same, the pressure for water quality requirements accomplishment at high temperatures have decreased. Therefore new design and operation development opportunities have appeared. Taking into account that membrane replacement and retrofit projects are about to come at this desalination plant, and under this new thermal scenario, a pilot test has been developed. On the one hand, the purpose of this study was to compare the performance of the different membranes manufacturers and on the other hand, to determine the optimal membrane configuration and operation conditions able to achieve water quality and quantity needs under the new thermal intake conditions by the design of a pilot test. The best option has been determined taking into account investment versus operation (energy) costs.
ISSN: 1944-3994
DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.20573
Fuente: Desalination and Water Treatment [ISSN 1944-3994], v. 73, p. 208-214
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