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Título: Ethics, technology and rights: challenges to justiciability in the digital environment
Autores/as: Miranda Goncalves, Rubén 
Clasificación UNESCO: 560203 Filosofía del derecho
71 Ética
33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Palabras clave: Ethics
Artificial intelligence
Human rights
Inteligencia artificial, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: PID2021-125068OB-I00, “La manipulación informativa como problema de seguridad y de calidad democrática: descripción, consecuencias y respuestas”
Publicación seriada: Legal and Administrative Studies
Resumen: Ethics, artificial intelligence and human rights are undoubtedly three interconnected concepts that present challenges in today's times. Through artificial intelligence, the way we live and work is being transformed, but it is not far from important ethical and/or legal dilemmas. Ethics is very relevant in artificial intelligence as the technology can be used for good or bad, so it is necessary to ensure that it is used responsibly. The same goes for human rights, as they must be respected in any context, including in artificial intelligence, as it can be used to monitor people, collect data, etc., which can and do have a high impact on human rights
ISSN: 1583-0772
Fuente: Legal and Administrative Studies[e-ISSN 2344-6900, ISSN-L 1583-0772], n. 2 (29), año 22, p. 61-84 (2023)
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