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Título: A new approach for semi-automatic measurement and morphological analysis of fibres throughout thermoplastic compounding process: a case study on giant reed fibres
Autores/as: Suárez García, Luis Adargoma 
Billham, Mark
Garrett, Graham
Cunningham, Eoin
Marrero Alemán, María Dolores 
Ortega Medina, Zaida Cristina 
Clasificación UNESCO: 331005 Ingeniería de procesos
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: Sciencetris
Proyectos: Inv2Mac
Conferencia: 6th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2023) 
Resumen: This work describes a systematic method far the analysis of the defibrization of natural fibres during the compounding process by twin-screw extrusion. The variation of morphological features such as length, diameter and aspect ratio of natural fibres is analysed by affordable optical scanning methods and opensource software. The use of this technique far the measurement of giant reed fibres in PE and PLA-based composite materials has preved that there are no significant differences in the output fibre morphology of the compound, regardless the fibre feed sizes and extruder scale, using equivalent screw configuration and extrusion parameters.
ISBN: 978-989-54808-8-3
Fuente: Book of Abstract of ICNF - International Conference on Natural Fibers / Fangueiro, Raul (ed.). p. 100-102
Colección:Actas de congresos
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actualizado el 15-jun-2024

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