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Título: Salicornia bigelovii, S. brachiata and S. herbacea: Their Nutritional Characteristics and an Evaluation of Their Potential as Salt Substitutes
Autores/as: Alfheeaid, Hani A.
Raheem, Dele
Ahmed, Faiyaz
Alhodieb, Fahad S.
Alsharari, Zayed D.
Alhaji, Jwaher Haji
BinMowyna, Mona N.
De Figueiredo Saraiva, Ariana Maria 
Raposo, António
Clasificación UNESCO: 310301 Producción de cultivos
3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Anti-Inflammatory
Food Industry
Nutrition, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Foods 
Resumen: Excessive sodium (salt) intake in our diet is a main contributor to hypertension and a major risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses. As a result, research has made great efforts to develop salt alternatives, and Salicornia spp. offers a very high potential in the food industry for its promising functional characteristics. This review focuses on the nutritional profile, health effects and commercial potential of three specific species of the Salicornia genus: S. bigelovii, S. brachiata and S. herbacea. It also addresses the methods that are used to produce them as salt substitutes. Owing to the antinutritional and anti-inflammatory effects of its bioactive compounds, Salicornia spp. can serve as an organic biological preservative in foods with better consumer appeal when compared with chemical preservatives that are common in the food industry. Overall, the commercial use of these underutilized species will help to improve food security.
ISSN: 2304-8158
DOI: 10.3390/foods11213402
Fuente: Foods [EISSN 2304-8158], v. 11 (21), (Noviembre 2022)
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