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Título: Nutritional Management and Role of Multidisciplinary Follow-Up after Endoscopic Bariatric Treatment for Obesity
Autores/as: Negi, Anuradha
Asokkumar, Ravishankar
Ravi, Rajesh
Lopez-Nava, Gontrand
Bautista Castaño, Inmaculada 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Bariatric endoscopy
Weight loss
Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Nutrients 
Resumen: The prevalence of obesity has risen exponentially, and patients living with obesity suffer from its debilitating consequences. The treatment options for obesity have expanded significantly and include lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapy, endoscopic bariatric therapies (EBTs), and bariatric surgery. Endoscopic bariatric therapies comprise volume-reducing procedures such as endoscopic gastroplasty and gastric space-occupying devices such as intragastric balloons. Because of its minimally invasive nature and ease of delivery, EBTs are increasingly being adopted as a treatment option for obesity in several centers. These procedures mainly achieve weight loss by inducing early satiety and reducing meal volume. While the technical aspects of EBTs have been well explained, the nutritional management surrounding EBTs and the effectiveness of multidisciplinary team for maximizing weight loss is less described. There is considerable variation in post-EBT care between studies and centers. In this paper, we review the existing literature and share our experience on nutrition and the role of multidisciplinary management of obesity following EBT.
ISSN: 2072-6643
DOI: 10.3390/nu14163450
Fuente: Nutrients [ISSN 2072-6643], v. 14 (16), 3450, (2022)
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