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Title: Feeding Habits of Sarda chiliensis chiliensis (Cuvier, 1832) in Northern Chile and Southern Perú
Authors: Pepe Victoriano, Renzo 
Aravena-Ambrosetti, Héctor
Huanacuni, Jordan I.
Méndez-Abarca, Felipe
Godoy, Karina
Álvarez, Nathalia
UNESCO Clasification: 3105 Peces y fauna silvestre
310507 Hábitos de alimentación
Keywords: Composition And Trophic Relationships
Feeding Dynamics And Strategy
South Pacific Bonito
Stomach Content
Issue Date: 2022
Journal: Animals 
Abstract: The trophic relationships of pelagic fishes with migratory traits such as the South Pacific Bonito, Sarda chiliensis chiliensis (Cuvier, 1832), have not been studied in depth in the past. The objective of the present research was to analyze the feeding habits of South Pacific Bonito by sex and to analyze a comparison between summer and autumn months in three different areas of the eastern South Pacific by applying different techniques used in trophic biology. Between December 2013 and June 2014, specimens were captured in the areas of Pozo de Lisas (Ilo, Peru), La Capilla (Arica, Chile) and Chanavayita (Iquique, Chile). The feeding dynamics and trophic composition of the diet were analyzed, as well as the feeding strategy and trophic relationships. A total of 1404 specimens were analyzed, of which 654 had stomach contents. Seven prey items were identified: (a) fish remains; (b) squid jaw remains; (c) squid gladius remains; (d) caudal fin remains; (e) Engraulis rigens; (f) Pleuroncodes monodon and (g) N/A (not determined). The Pozo de Lisas and La Capilla areas showed homogeneity in their prey items, while the Chanavayita area showed more diversity. Regarding the importance of prey items in the diet of S. chiliensis in the three localities, it would be correct to state that it is a generalist species.
ISSN: 2076-2615
DOI: 10.3390/ani12070930
Source: Animals [EISSN 2076-2615], v. 12 (7), (Abril 2022)
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