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Title: High-resolution wind field probabilistic forecasting
Authors: Oliver Serra, Albert 
Mazorra Aguiar, Luis 
Rodríguez Barrera, Eduardo Miguel 
Montero García, Gustavo 
UNESCO Clasification: 120607 Interpolación, aproximación y ajuste de curvas
120326 Simulación
1208 Probabilidad
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Universidade do Minho 
Conference: Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (CMN 2019) 
ISBN: 978-989-54496-0-6
Source: Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (CMN 2019) / Paulo B. Lourenço, Paulo Flores, Stéphane Clain (Ed.), p. 1227
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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