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Título: Length–weight relationships of five selected demersal fishes from the Cabo Verde Islands (eastern-central Atlantic)
Autores/as: González, José A. 
Triay-Portella, Raül 
Correia, Sandra
Martins, Albertino
González-Lorenzo, Gustavo
Lorenzo, J. M. 
Pajuelo, José G. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 240114-4 Taxonomía animal. Peces
Palabras clave: By-Catch
Cape Verde
East Atlantic
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: Valorización de productos marinos de la Macaronesia: Turismo, gastronomía y capacitación profesional 
Hydrocarpo (MAC/4.2/C5)
Marprof‐CV (MAC/3/C124)
Publicación seriada: Journal of Applied Ichthyology 
Resumen: The length–weight relationships (LWR) were estimated for five selected demersal marine fishes from the relatively undisturbed shelves and slopes of the Cabo Verde Islands. Most of them were of ecological and/or commercial interest. Occasional sampling was carried out during different fisheries research projects. LWRs were taken for the following bycatch species for which no such estimates exists in the science literature: Myroconger compressus, Synaphobranchus affinis, Physiculus cyanostrophus, Physiculus caboverdensis and Canthidermis maculata. Total length and fork length (to the nearest 0.1 cm) and total weight (to the nearest 0.1 g) were determined. The resulting length–weight equations are characterized by a high accompanying coefficient of correlation. The present data help improving the knowledge base needed for further fish biology studies and fisheries management.
ISSN: 0175-8659
DOI: 10.1111/jai.14149
Fuente: Journal of Applied Ichthyology [ISSN 0175-8659], v. 37(2), p. 350-353, (Abril 2021)
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