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Title: Recent changes in the global rail industry: evaluating the new regulatory instruments
Authors: Cantos, Pedro
Campos Méndez, Francisco Javier 
UNESCO Clasification: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Keywords: Railways
Price regulation
Quality regulation
Issue Date: 2005
Journal: European Transport - Trasporti Europei 
Abstract: The changes faced by the global rail industry in recent years have brought a redefinition of some of the traditional regulatory instruments available in this sector. This paper, focusing on price and quality regulation, discusses how these instruments have been applied in several countries where private sector participation in railways has been introduced mainly through concession contracts, and where some form of vertical and/or horizontal unbundling has been implemented.
ISSN: 1825-3997
Source: European Transport-Trasporti Europei [ISSN 1825-3997], n. 29, p. 22-45, (Abril 2005)
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