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Title: Land-use changes and sustainable development in mountain areas: A case study in the Spanish Pyrenees
Authors: García-Ruiz, José M.
Lasanta, Teodora
Ruíz-Flano, Purificación
Ortigosa, Luis
White, Sue
González, Constanza
Martí, Carlos
UNESCO Clasification: 250503-1 Geografía de los recursos naturales. Montaña
Keywords: Farmland Abandonment
Land-Use Change
Mountain Areas
Runoff, et al
Issue Date: 1996
Journal: Landscape Ecology 
Abstract: Land-use changes affecting Mediterranean mountains represent the intensification of use in valley bottoms, accompanied by land-use conflicts, and a generalized abandonment of the hillslopes, which in the past were perfectly integrated in the system of land management. Farmland abandonment, reforestation, diminution of the livestock pressure and substitution of cereal crops by meadows are the most outstanding features of the recent land-use changes. The question is whether the new spatial organisation is in accordance with a long-term policy of sustainable development in mountain areas. The results obtained confirm that farmland abandonment on steep slopes - and the resulting colonization of old fields by a dense shrub cover - and afforestation contribute to control both soil erosion and surface runoff. As a result some of the most important rivers and alluvial fans have recently stabilized their sedimentary structures.
ISSN: 0921-2973
DOI: 10.1007/BF02059854
Source: Landscape Ecology [ISSN 0921-2973], v. 11 (5), p. 267-277, (Enero 1996)
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