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Título: Projections from the visual areas to the neostriatum in rats: A re-examination
Autores/as: López Figueroa, Manuel Oscar
Ramírez González, Juan Andrés 
Divac, Ivan
Clasificación UNESCO: 2407 Biología celular
Palabras clave: Axonal Transport
Basal Ganglia
Fecha de publicación: 1995
Publicación seriada: Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 
Resumen: Neostriatal afferents from the primary visual cortex in rats were studied using dextran-biotin, biocytin, and Fluoro-Gold. The area V1 was found to project only to a dorsomedial, longitudinal region of neostriatum (NS), bordering on the lateral ventricle and subcortical white matter. The preterminal fibres in the NS form fluffs which increase in number and density in the cases with larger injections. This target region is poorly stained for calbindin and yet belongs to the matrix compartment. The secondary visual areas also project to the dorsomedial NS region but they also innervate the deeper tissue in the same general region. Iontophoresis of Fluoro-Gold into the dorsomedial NS labelled some pyramidal neurones in the fifth layer of the primary visual cortex. The cortical areas that surround the visual cortical complex project to other regions of the NS: the somatosensory cortex to a dorsolateral longitudinal region and the auditory area to the medial half of the caudalmost portion of NS. Thus, major sensory cortical divisions project to non-overlapping NS regions. Since NS in monkeys and cats does not receive afferents from the primary visual cortex and in a number of other species does, we conclude that visual systems in different mammals differ with respect to their projections to NS.
ISSN: 0065-1400
Fuente: Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis [ISSN 0065-1400], v. 55 (3), p. 165-175, (1995)
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