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Title: Optimisation of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and mixtures + activated carbon through dosage processes
Authors: Araña, J. 
Garriga i Cabo, C.
Doña Rodríguez, J. M. 
González Díaz, O. 
Herrera Melián, José Alberto 
Pérez Peña, J.
UNESCO Clasification: 221001 Catálisis
2307 Química física
Issue Date: 2002
Journal: Research Advances in Water Research
Abstract: The present paper shows the behaviour of Ti02 and mixtures of TiOi + activated carbon when the organic to be degraded is progressívely dosed in an aqueous 􀀃yst suspension. Thus, we have studied phenol, salicylic acid and p-aminopheno/ degradation, observing that it is possible to obtain a ten times faster degradation when the compound is dosed in comparison to the direct treatment of the concentrated sohrtion (> 100 ppm). Toe highest concentration to be effectively treated by dosification and without saturation problems has been established for the different organics tested. Also, FTIR studies on the ínteraction of these molecules with the surface of these catalysts have been carried out. Degradation mechanisms under the experimental conditions employed and the effect of tbe organic moJecules interaction with tbe catalysts surface has been proposed. In addition to this, catalyst reactivation processes through adsorbed intermediates have been noticed.
ISSN: 0065-3535
Source: Research Advances in Water Research [ISSN 0065-3535], v. 3, p. 15-22
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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