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Título: Specific capture and whole-genome phylogeography of Dolphin morbillivirus
Autores/as: Cerutti, Francesco
Giorda, Federica 
Grattarola, Carla
Mignone, Walter
Beltramo, Chiara
Keck, Nicolas
Lorusso, Alessio
Di Francesco, Gabriella
Di Renzo, Ludovica
Di Guardo, Giovanni
Goria, Mariella
Masoero, Loretta
Acutis, Pier Luigi
Casalone, Cristina
Peletto, Simone
Clasificación UNESCO: 240119 Zoología marina
310907 Patología
Palabras clave: Metagenomics
Viral epidemiology
Viral evolution
Dolphin morbillivirus
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Scientific Reports 
Resumen: Dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) is considered an emerging threat having caused several epidemics worldwide. Only few DMV genomes are publicly available. Here, we report the use of target enrichment directly from cetacean tissues to obtain novel DMV genome sequences, with sequence comparison and phylodynamic analysis. RNA from 15 tissue samples of cetaceans stranded along the Italian and French coasts (2008–2017) was purified and processed using custom probes (by bait hybridization) for target enrichment and sequenced on Illumina MiSeq. Data were mapped against the reference genome, and the novel sequences were aligned to the available genome sequences. The alignment was then used for phylogenetic and phylogeographic analysis using MrBayes and BEAST. We herein report that target enrichment by specific capture may be a successful strategy for whole-genome sequencing of DMV directly from field samples. By this strategy, 14 complete and one partially complete genomes were obtained, with reads mapping to the virus up to 98% and coverage up to 7800X. The phylogenetic tree well discriminated the Mediterranean and the NE-Atlantic strains, circulating in the Mediterranean Sea and causing two different epidemics (2008–2015 and 2014–2017, respectively), with a limited time overlap of the two strains, sharing a common ancestor approximately in 1998.
ISSN: 2045-2322
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-77835-z
Fuente: Scientific Reports [EISSN 2045-2322], v. 10 (1), 20831, (Diciembre 2020)
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