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Title: Importance Of Working Tic In Early Nursery Education Through Methods Such As Webquest
Authors: Aguiar Perera, María Victoria 
Cuesta Suarez, Hector
Keywords: Internet
Nursery Education
Issue Date: 2009
Journal: Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion 
Abstract: One of the big disadvantage that have internet as pedagogical resources derive precisely of the difficulty for to find the information desire, by the load the information that involve much time and that to be able to frustrating. Just as, by the difficulty for to recognize between the information of quality of the poor credibility. As alternative this question, it find the webquest, this is, activity teaching-learning based on internet and that are the base of the project that try work the communication information technology no only in primary and secondary, how have traditionally, but since childhood education.
ISSN: 1133-8482
Source: Pixel-Bit- Revista De Medios Y Educacion [ISSN 1133-8482] (34), p. 81-94, (Enero 2009)
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