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Title: Assessment of the online forum
Authors: Reyes García, Carmen Isabel 
Sosa Moreno, Fátima 
UNESCO Clasification: 58 Pedagogía
580106 Evaluación de alumnos
Keywords: Alternative Assessment
Authentic Assessment
Assessment for the learning
Higher Education
Innovation, et al
Issue Date: 2011
Journal: International Journal of Innovation and Learning 
Abstract: In the last decade, not only the advances in educational investigation but also the reforms promoted in the European Space of Higher Education, have brought about a change in the concept of learning, and in consequence, in the evaluation. However, the evaluation is today a task which is still unfinished in the Spanish university, in which the greater part of the teachers evaluate practically exclusively through a final exam based of memorised questions (Zabalza, 2003; Bonson and Benito, 2005). This traditional model is more obvious in online teaching. In this study we propose the integration of this new model of evaluation in the e-learning Moodle Platform and we propose the online forum as a communication tool with wide possibilities for didactic innovation and for the assessment from an alternative approach. We also offer a proposal to assess the online forum via an instrument like the rubric.
ISSN: 1471-8197
DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2011.039342
Source: International Journal of Innovation and Learning [ISSN 1471-8197], v. 9 (3), p. 260-272, (2011)
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