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Título: Gamification and deep learning approaches in higher education
Autores/as: Aguiar Castillo, Carmen Lidia 
Clavijo Rodríguez, Alberto
Hernández López, Lidia Esther 
De Saa Pérez, Petra 
Pérez Jiménez, Rafael 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
5801 Teoría y métodos educativos
33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Palabras clave: Gamification
Deep learning approach
Higher education
Student commitment
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: La incorporación de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en Dirección de Empresas (PIE2019-13)
Publicación seriada: Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education 
Resumen: Gamification is a tool that has been used to promote commitment and motivation to students. This fact, coupled with the intensive use made by students of their smart phones, has led to the development of the HEgameApp application. This study shows that students’ satisfaction will be influenced directly by application features, and it will influence pro-deep-learning approaches. Besides, the initiative will be visible through word of mouth. According to this study a gamified application can contribute to the pro-deep-learning approaches as students wish to expose their private learning-related actions to friends. An interesting finding of this study is the connection between the users' satisfaction and the promotion of behaviors related to deep learning strategies, since the more satisfied the students are, the more their deep learning strategies will be promoted. Another relevant finding comes from the teaching institution, as this type of initiative is very well accepted by the students and will improve the image, providing a smart academic, student-focused reputation to the implementing academia.
ISSN: 1473-8376
DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100290
Fuente: Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education[EISSN 1473-8376], n. 29, 100290
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