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Título: Cesarean section in bitches: therapeutic plan to increase neonatal viability
Autores/as: Zagorskaia, A.
Batista Arteaga, Miguel 
Pérez García, Ricardo Javier 
Vilar Guereño, José Manuel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310411 Reproducción
Palabras clave: Cesarean section
Neonatal viability
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Reproduction in Domestic Animals 
Conferencia: Joint Meeting of the 20th Annual Conference of the European-Society-for-Domestic-Animal-Reproduction (ESDAR) / 13th Conference of the Spanish-Association-for-Animal-Reproduction (AERA) 
Resumen: The present study tried to define the reliability of an adapted Apgar score as a tool to check newborn viability in puppies delivered by cesarean section. Data from 36 cesarean sections and 121 puppies were included. Immediately after the uterine delivery, the pups were evaluated to detect birth defects and then, a modified Apgar score (range: 0–10) was used to define neonatal viability as critical neonates (0–3), moderate neonates (4–6) and optimal neonates (7–10). Apgar score assessed the following parameters: heart rate, respiratory rate, mucous membrane color, reflex irritability and mobility. Neonatal mortality at birth was 0.8% (1/121), increasing till 4.95% after 48 h. The incidence of birth defects was 4.13% (5/121) included cleft palate as the most frequent pathology. Five minutes after birth, the incidence of critical neonates was below 5% (5/121) and this percentage decreased to 1.65% (2/121) at 1 h after birth. The percentage of neonates classified as optimal were 95.8% (116/121) after 1 h after birth. Resuscitation drugs (naloxone, heptaminol, epinephrine) were applied to 9.09% (11/121) of neonates (5 critical neonates and 6 moderate neonates). This study determined that the spontaneous neonatal mortality was not influenced by the different anesthetics protocols applied. Apgar score quickly detects the viability of neonates and identified the puppies in critical condition and led to establish a suitable protocol of neonatal resuscitation and intensive care in order to increase survival of puppies
ISSN: 0936-6768
Fuente: Reproduction In Domestic Animals [ISSN 0936-6768], v. 51 sup. 2, p. 152-153, Abstract P267, (Octubre 2016)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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