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Título: A multi-objective mathematical model to select fleets and maritime routes in short sea shipping: a case study in Chile
Autores/as: Martínez López, Alba 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3319 tecnología naval
33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Palabras clave: Analysis of Sensitivity
Decision Support Tool
Intermodal Chains
Motorways of The Sea
Multi-Objective Optimization, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Journal of Marine Science and Technology 
Resumen: This paper proposes a mathematical model for intermodal chains with seaborne transport, in which the optimization of a multi-objective model enables conflicting objectives to be handled simultaneously. Through the assessment of ‘door-to-door’ transport in terms of costs, time, and environmental impact, the most suitable maritime route and the optimized fleet are jointly proposed to maximize the opportunities for success of intermodal chains versus trucking. The NSGA-II algorithm is applied to resolve the model. The Pareto fronts obtained not only permit decision-making in the short-term but also enable long-term strategies to be defined according to the behaviour of these frontiers when sensitivity analysis is undertaken. A real-life case in Chile is studied to test the usefulness of the model. Aside from identifying the most suitable Motorway of the Sea with its optimized fleet for Chile, the application case has provided several significant findings to promote the intermodal option regardless of its location.
ISSN: 0948-4280
DOI: 10.1007/s00773-020-00757-y
Fuente: Journal of Marine Science and Technology [ISSN 0948-4280], v. 26, p. 673–692
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