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Título: CQM1H PLC Simulator CQM1H PLC Simulator
Autores/as: Cerezo, J. M.
Leon, S.
Vega, E.
Vega, A.
Clasificación UNESCO: Investigación
Palabras clave: Industrial Computing
Industrial Communications
Host-Link Protocol
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Proceedings Of 2016 Technologies Applied To Electronics Teaching (Taee 2016)
Conferencia: Conference on Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching (TAEE) 
Resumen: In this paper it is described the experience gained in the development and use of CQMIH PLC simulator which uses OMRON Host-Link protocol through RS-232 serial port and can works with analogic and digital I/O. The purpose of this simulator is to simplify the task of debugging code when developing communication applications in an Industrial Computing course.
Fuente: Proceedings Of 2016 Technologies Applied To Electronics Teaching (Taee 2016), (2016)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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