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Título: Mapping the recreational value of coppices’ management systems in Tuscany
Autores/as: Riccioli, Francesco
Fratini, Roberto
Fagarazzi, Claudio
Cozzi, Mario
Viccaro, Mauro
Romano, Severino
Rocchini, Duccio
Diaz, Salomon Espinosa
Tattoni, Clara 
Clasificación UNESCO: 590208 Política del medio ambiente
531102 Gestión financiera
2599 Otras especialidades de la tierra, espacio o entorno
Palabras clave: CES Mapping
Ecosystem Services
Interval Regression Model
Mapping Respondents’ Preferences
Recreational Value
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Sustainability (Switzerland) 
Resumen: In recent decades the growing interest in forested areas has led to a higher level of appreciation and consideration regarding the various benefits and services provided by forests. Despite this, when it comes to acknowledging their economic value and their capacity to produce income, the production of timber seems to be the main or even the only function that is considered. However, by adopting a sustainable forest management approach, the value related to non-market forest functions could also be considered. The present paper aims to quantify the potential income related to the recreational value of coppice forest by considering three different management systems: traditional coppice, active conversion to high forest and the natural evolution of forest. In order to do so, a contingent valuation method was used, and 248 forest users were surveyed in the region of Tuscany, Italy. The surveys included a revised price-list method, and the results obtained showed the existence of willingness to pay (WTP) for the maintenance of forests. Users showed a strong preference for conversion to high forest, while natural evolution was the least preferred management option. People’s perception on this matter was also assessed based on their specific location, by georeferencing all of the respondents’ answers: considering this, it was observed that belonging to a municipality located in or close to the mountains (i.e., mountain and natural municipalities) influenced the users’ WTP to maintain natural evolution.
DOI: 10.3390/su12198039
Fuente: Sustainability (Switzerland) [EISSN 2071-1050], v. 12 (19), p. 1-18, (Octubre 2020)
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