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Título: Fibromyalgia and Nutrition: An Updated Review
Autores/as: Tomaino, Laura
Serra Majem, Luis 
Martini, Stefania
Ingenito, Maria Rosaria
Rossi, Paola
La Vecchia, Carlo
Bamonti, Fabrizia
Vigna, Luisella
Clasificación UNESCO: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
32 Ciencias médicas
Palabras clave: Fibromyalgia
Nutritional Integration
Nutritional Status
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Journal of the American College of Nutrition 
Resumen: Due to the lack of specific and standardized treatments for the management of fibromyalgia (FM), available evidence suggests a multidisciplinary approach, and nutrition represents an important therapeutic strategy. This work aims to update the relationship between FM and nutrition, through a review of more recent scientific evidence based on a systematic research on PubMed. Of 66 records initially identified, 26 studies were selected and included in the present work. Although there is not sufficient evidence for the efficacy of specific nutritional protocols, the examined papers indicate a potential role of selected nutrients, micronutrients and food components in managing FM symptoms. However, several concerns persist as nutritional status and/or nutritional integration can improve FM symptoms, without expecting to lead to a remission of the disease. The use of targeted nutritional supplements may be of some relevance for the management of FM, but the up to date evidence remains weak. It is advisable, thus, to perform further studies of higher quality.KEY TEACHING POINTS Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by chronic and diffuse musculoskeletal pain, often associated with a large set of symptoms. The therapeutic approach of FM include pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Among them, an important role is played by nutrition. Of 66 record screened, 12 studies were included in the present review and five of them were randomized controlled trials. Nevertheless, the overall quality of those trials was scarce. Literature concerning FM and nutritions is growing. However, little evidence suggests that nutrition and/or nutritional intervention play a significant role on FM severity. The results of this review underline the need to carry out clinical studies of higher quality and rigor, possibly RCTs, focused on the role of nutrition in the symptoms and/or severity of FM.
ISSN: 0731-5724
DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2020.1813059
Fuente: Journal of the American College of Nutrition [ISSN 0731-5724], v. 40(7), p. 665-678
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