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Título: Las áreas funcionales implicadas en el entrenamiento especial competitivo del boxeo. Un estudio de casos
Otros títulos: The functional areas implied in the special-competitive training of the boxing. A case study research
Autores/as: Alvarez Berta, Luis Michel
Cachon Zagalaz, Javier
Brahim, Mohamed
Mateos Padorno, Covadonga 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5801 Teoría y métodos educativos
Palabras clave: Boxing
Functional Areas
Heart Frequency
Lactic Acid
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: Retos 
Resumen: The present investigation was developed during the month of January of the 2011 in the base of training of the national team of boxing of Tunisia, to analyzing the functional areas implied during the boxer's special-competitive training of a boxer of Tunisia's national youth team in the 64 kg. For this we used the empirical scientific measuring method, also using descriptive statistics. By carrying out a control of the cardiac frequency and the concentration of lactate in special and competitive situations (box with the shadow, to jumping, punch to the bag and combat) By using for this a Polar RS400, that it permitted obtain the cardiac frequency during intervals of so small time as each five second. Generally observed in the boxing match is trafficked mainly by the functional area of maximum oxygen consumption (depth development of aerobic possibilities), and working with special exercises and rope shadow transits between the functional areas for sub-and super-aerobic (aerobic development and maintenance respectively) given heart rate and only the area sub-aerobic (aerobic maintenance) for analysis of lactate, also work with special exercises in the bag at no time have a predominance of anaerobic functional area.
ISSN: 1579-1726
Fuente: Retos-Nuevas Tendencias En Educacion Fisica Deporte Y Recreacion[ISSN 1579-1726] (26), p. 71-74, (2014)
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