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Title: Distribution of ASFV-VP73 in experimentally infected miniature pigs
Authors: Rodríguez, F.
Fernandez, A. 
Martin de las Mulas, J.
Sánchez Vizcaíno, J. M.
Sierra, Ma
UNESCO Clasification: 310903 Inmunología
310911 Virología
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: Fundation Marcel Mérieux
Conference: 3rd Congress of the European-Society-for-Veterinary-Virology on Immunobiology of Viral Infections 
ISBN: 2-84039-042-6
Source: Immunobiology of viral infections : proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the European Society for Veterinary Virology Interlaken, Switzerland, 4-7 september 1994 / M. Schwyzer, M. Ackermann, editors-in-chief, p. 99-102, (1995)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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