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Título: Normative database of isometric cervical strength in a healthy population
Autores/as: Garcés Martín, Gerardo 
Medina, Daniel
Milutinovic, Ljubo
Garavote, Pedro
Guerado, Enrique
Clasificación UNESCO: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Palabras clave: Cervical Musculature
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Publicación seriada: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 
Resumen: Objectives: This was a descriptive study involving maximal and average isometric strength measurements of the cervical musculature. The purpose of this study was 1) to determine the test-retest reliability of a computerized dynamometer for measuring muscular strength of the neck flexor and extensor muscles in a healthy population, and 2) to afford a normative database of the maximal and averaged isometric strength of the cervical flexors and extensors in a healthy population of 94 volunteers. The literature contains only a few descriptive studies pertaining to strength levels of the cervical musculature; none of these studies used a computerized dynamometer to determine cervical isometric strength. Only a few studies include cervical flexor and extensor isometric strength, evaluating its normal ratio as well as their correlation to body mass index. Methods: Testing was carried out using a computerized dynamometer to measure isometric cervical strength at 0degrees (neutral), 5degrees, and 10degrees of flexion and extension of the neck. Results: Men show approximately 30 to 40% more strength than women both for flexion and extension at all angles and age groups. Neutral positioning showed the maximum strength values for both flexion and extension. Conclusion: There was a significant negative correlation between age and cervical strength and a significant positive correlation between weight and strength and between height and strength. However, the flexor/extensor ratio was maintained around 0.6 in all ages.
ISSN: 0195-9131
DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200203000-00013
Fuente: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise [ISSN 0195-9131], v. 34 (3), p. 464-470, (Marzo 2002)
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