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Título: Modelling of a new crossflow moving-bed heat-exchanger/filter (MHEF)
Autores/as: Lozano, A.
Henríquez, V.
Macías Machín, A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Fecha de publicación: 1996
Publicación seriada: Filtration & separation 
Resumen: A new crossflow moving-bed heat-exchanger/filter (MHEF) is presented, which is theoretically shown to have very good collection capabilities. This device allows for gas filtration and heat exchange at the same time. The MHEF is constructed on the basis of computer modelling, which from first principles has made it possible to calculate the dust deposit, particle concentration and pressure drop.
ISSN: 0015-1882
DOI: 10.1016/S0015-1882(97)84267-X
Fuente: Filtration & Separation [ISSN 0015-1882], v. 33 (1), p. 69-74, (Enero 1996)
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